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Re: CF: Sorig Altar (Temples/Map Update)

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Gorlin wrote:
> David Sundqvist created an altar image for Sorig, it's attached.


For those of you who are using the full archetypes package and
want to re-build a list of archetypes including the new gods
and the appropriate images, I have created a small .tar.gz file
which contains the new contents of the directories arch/gods/
and arch/indoor/altars/.  You can get it from:

How to apply it: first, remove the contents of the existing
directories because the names of the gods sub-directories have
changed.  In other words, do "rm -r arch/gods arch/indoor/altars"
(or move the directories out of the arch tree).  Then extract the
tar file, which will give you the new gods and the new altars.
Then you do the usual stuff such as running, but you
should already know that if you are using the "arch" directory.
Note: the new XPM image for Sorig uses hex color codes instead
of X11 names from rgb.txt.  I do not have the tool for fixing
that automatically, but I suppose that Mark knows how to do this...

Now, someone will tell me that they have already done that and
that I have just wasted my time building this tar file...  ;-)

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