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Re: CF: Some bugs for 0.95.1

>1) In the Bank of Skud: if you have 2000 silver coins and drop them all on
>   the silver-to-gold counter, the conversion takes placem, but they are
>   not removed from your client's inventory

Yup, this has been discussed here in the past week.

>2) If there is a sack/quiver/bag/cauldron/bookshelf on the floor and I
>   open it, there is no way to close it but open some other container that
>   I happen to carry. Moving away prints the message "You close X", but
>   the client's display is not updated.
>3) strangely, if I put something in a cauldron, close it and reopen it,
>   it shows as empty. When I click on the map, the items show as being in
>   the cauldron.

Yup, as discussed here earlier, client interaction with containers on the
ground is broken.

Rumor has it that there are fixes for these and other bugs that will be
in the next release.  Maybe when it reaches the point where the known
bugs become FAQs, it is time for a new release.

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