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Re: CF: Relations, races and gods

David Sundqvist wrote:

> As an idea, the characters could store information about how different
> subgroups (races and gods, and preferably more distinct groupings; a
> majority of all goblins in the Scorn area might belong to one group,
> but not all would have to) feel about them. Killing a number of that group
> would affect the characters relationship; helping with quests might
> improve a relationship, certain artifacts and gods would affect a
> characters standing and invite immediate attack.
> This could also include how the character feels about a certain group. For
> example, holy possession spells, artifacts, etc, could cause the character
> to attack without the player deciding to do so.

 Unfortunately, a lot of maps requiring killing large numbers of certain

 To have a gods/race relations be adjustable, a set number of gods/races
probably needs to be set.  One of the causes of imbalance on maps is not having
fixed values for this, so if a new god/race is added, then all the old artifacts
don't have that information.  And ideally, the items themselves should contain
relationship adjustments, and not have the cod try and guess.  Something like
the +2 goblinslayer should have a negative penalty against goblins.

> There could also be diffrentiation between different types of
> NPC/monsters. Killing a random goblin might not give much of a worse
> relationship with goblins and their friends, while killing goblin leader
> might make it a lot worse. Killing a townsperson might change the
> relationship with the 'Scorn' group so that castle guards attack on sight,
> but you could improve it again through paying a fine.

 The tricky part is to have enough ways to get in good standing with the
different races.  Right now, there are lots of places to kill large numbers of
creatures and hence get penalties - ways to get back in good standing would be

 This soulc be done with better maps.  Perhaps a quest takes you to a goblin
camp where you need to rescue some prisoners.  You could wander in and start
killing every goblin, or perhaps you can talk the the goblin guards, volunteer
to be captured, and upon talking to the goblin leader, learn that he is willing
to release the prisoners by doing something (perhaps another side quest, or
perhaps something simple like just bringing them some weapons).

> This could also improve the general feel of the game; it would be possible
> to create and play cities populated by alternate races, since they would
> not necessarily attack players if they have a favourable relationship
> (through being the same race or having the same god).

 I certainly like the idea of different starting towns with different flavors. 
And certainly, a character could have a reputation that makes adjustments to how
race react.

 But there definately has to be some tie between your god and your race
relations.  If your god happens to be the patron saint of goblins, and you go
around killing goblins all the time, your god probably is not going to be happy
about that.

 This can probably fixed somewhat by checking when award exp if the creature
killed was either an enemy or ally of the god - if the enemy, perhaps give some
wisdom exp for killing that enemy, even if you used another skill.  If an ally
of the god, perhaps lose some wisdom experience.

 But to do that, many of the maps need to be cleaned up - if would not be all
the nice to try and doing one of the few quests out there and end up losing a
bunch of exp because the creatures on the map was your gods ally.
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