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Re: CF: Destiny maps 2

Christian Stieber wrote:
> Hi,
> I just noticed that some gates can be passed via dimension door (the
> one in /destiny/cave/entrance, the /destiny/dun_marksel entrance,
> the /destiny/elcyon/elcyon_start entrance, the locked door in
> /destiny/dm_keep, and probably others I forgot to list).
> I'm not sure whether this is intentional.

 I notice that in the standard distributed archetypes, gates don't have no
magic/damned set, so by default, gates are passable.  Default behaviour probably
should be to block magic and the like, but to update that at this point would
probably break some other behaviour.

> Btw, I really liked the puplandish idea to capitalize the words that
> are used as keywords in conversions --- maybe this should be adopted
> for destiny as well? I have seen it in some places, but it is definitely
> not used consistently.

 Yeah - there is a definate difficulty at times trying to figure out the
keywords you need in a conversation.  Anything that can help things out a bit is
probably a good idea.

> IMHO the energy bow should not be given away that easily (/destiny/elcyon/
> elcyon_start). The elf also drops a bunch of "random_bow" thingies ---
> not sure whether the 0.95.x servers actually do create bows there.
> Remember that the energy bow is the best bow in the game, replacing the
> bow of auriga.

 I notice that the code will only create auto apply objects (like those
treasures) if they are actually on the map.  It won't search inventories for
them.  I thought that was fixed at one time, and it probably should be now (I
can't ever really see a case where you don't want those items created in an
objects inventory)
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