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CF: hi! =P and a problem =) (of course)

Hello Everyone =)

    I'm having a silly little problem here... Crossfire compiled smooth
as glass, the game operates very well and so on and so forth, except
sound doesn't seem to work. The cfsndserv was built and it seems to run
fine, it says

Unable to open /home/sd/.crossfire/sounds - will use built in defaults

When I start it manually and when I run a client.

which is simply that sound pack I got from the ftp site, and stuck the
files in /usr/local/lib/sounds and the game seems to find them fine.
Loading the game from a term, I get a few probably unimportant errors,

Got update_item command for item we don't have (99494)
Wont send command west - window oversized 74 63
Wont send command west - window oversized 74 63
Wont send command west - window oversized 77 66
Wont send command west - window oversized 77 66
Wont send command west - window oversized 77 66
Got error on read (error 0), exiting.
read: No such file or directory

But gameplay doesn't seem effected by any of these.  Anyone know why my
sound might not be working?

        Cameron "SalsaDoom" Kelly

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