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Re: CF: Server problem?

Robert Brockway wrote:
> I used to have this happen too with 0.95.3 (the current version).  The
> latest src off the cvs seems to fix this to a certain extent - perhaps a
> snapshot is in order (Mark?)

 Nightly snapshots available for downloading via ftp are available on the cvs
server.  I should probably update the docs about that so it better known/easier
to find.

 The availability of the cvs tree/snapshots has reduced the need/push by me to
make various official releases - before, it was really needed to get the latest
code out there.

 Obviously, I still need to make official releases once in a while since the
official mirrors get the code off of those.

 However, as of now, there hasn't been that many changes to the code since the
0.95.3.  Perhaps a patch might be more in place.
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