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Re: CF: Direct Reading of Map Files

Ryan Casey wrote:
> Regarding some messages I was reading through in the archives...
> There was concern about text files as map definitions, and how people
> could search for items with a simple look through the file...
> I changed the permissions on all my maps from 665 to 331.  The game
> seems to work fine, but map files are no longer directly accessible.  At
> this time, maps are all I have done this to (all I know to do it to at
> this point), but if other situations arise, I would think that this
> would work also.

 I don't remember the original discussion on this, and how far back it was.

 To me, the maps on the server are not of much concern - I would bet for a fair
number of servers, the player will not have any login access to the server
itself, so can not look at the maps on the server.

 If a player wants to cheat, he can just download the maps right now from
whatever ftp site and look at the maps that way.

> Also, in the tradition of MUDding, I believe that it is important for
> people to easily create new maps, and each server not be using the same
> default mapsets with the add-ons.  At the very least, I agree with the
> other people out there that this needs to be more widely publicised, as
> it is those people that we have not yet contacted that form a large part
> of the MUDs, with their myriad contributions.

 Certainly right now, different servers could have different mapsets.  There is
no requirement that all maps be the same.  I think some of the reason might be
that you need a pretty large mapset to just have the start of a server
(basically, you need a starting town).  From their you can start adding in the

 But being crossfire is fairly fast paced, and largely hack and slash, I think
more maps are needed for equal playing time.
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