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Re: CF: scroll inscription/spell questions

On Sun, Jun 20, 1999 at 05:34:29PM -0600, Jake Griesbach wrote:

> First of all, how can I make spell scrolls?  I have heard that characters
> with a wizardry level of 10 or more can do this.  I have the skill
> inscription, but it seems all I can do is just write text in scrolls.

Hm... havenīt really donīt this for quite a while (it doesnīt make sense).
IIRC you have to have the spell active (i.e. "cast something"), mark the
scroll and then "use skill inscription".

> Secondly, what do the following spells do?
> 1.) transferrence

Transfer mana to another player.

> 2.) counterspell
> 3.) counterwall

Cancels (some) spells. IIRC this is level-dependent (so a low-level
counterspell canīt cancel a highlevel dragonbreath)

> 4.) cancellation

Not sure. No effect. I think it is supposed to put all your items back
to "+0" or something like that. Hope that it is never implemented that
way, since it makes all your armor useless (it probably keeps the weight
and just looses the plusses...).

> 5.) restoration

There seem to be at least two kinds of that:
- potion of restoration -> undoes depletion
- golden unicorn horn -> restores HP and food to max

I seem to remember a "restoration" spell (I donīt have crossfire anymore,
unfortunately). Thatīs another no-op (no-op == has no effect or is
completely useless).

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