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Re: CF: Crossfire server stuff (fwd)

On Mon, Jun 28, 1999 at 10:29:22AM -0500, Rick Tanner wrote:

> 	I just started running a crossfire server off my linux box, and  I'm
> wondering if you've ever encountered people with save problems.

I have had various problems during >2 years of running a server :-)

> The player files save to my server HD, but I can't retrieve the
> characters later.

What is happening exactly? Error messages?
What version of the server are you running?
Note that the server is designed to run using the same userid
all the time --- i.e. there is a server admin running the
server; players just run clients (or they use the client built
into pre-0.95 servers). File access problems are very common
when people try to make the server runnable by players.

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