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Re: CF: strategy -- SPOILER

On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Mark Wedel wrote:

>  Polymorph could be useful (change that rust monster into something less
> dangerous).  The problem with a real time game like crossfire is that it takes
> too long to actual find that polymorph wand, and use it on the monster.  It
> works much better in nethack, where you have as much time as you need, so you
> can make a more calculated decision.
> -- Mark Wedel

There are keybindings for that[0]. Unfortunately, you can't use them to
put something into/get something from a container[1].
And then there is the keyboard congestion: you have so many useful
items/spells and they don't fit all on the keys.

[0] For example, I have a Horn of Frost, and on the key 'Grave'[2] have
    put 'apply -a Horn of Frost', and on Fire-Grave 'apply -u Horn of
    Frost' [3] [5]
[1] I can't do 'apply -u a sack'[4] 3 times in a row, because it switches
    from open to closed to ready and to open again, ignoring the -u flag.
[2] the key to the left of '1'
[3] this footnote intentionally left blank.
[4] hm... my inventory shows 'a a sack'. As far as I can tell, containers
    (sacks, pouches, quivers, cauldrons etc) are not merged in the
    inventory, therefore I thinc we can remove from the name the 'a '.
[5] yes, I know you know :)

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