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Re: CF: Negative damage?

On Mar 5,  1:57pm, Charles C. Duffy wrote:
> Subject: Re: CF: Negative damage?
> > Also, how is the exp gain calculated?  It doesn't seem to give me the full
> > exp of the monster, but some random fraction?
> Experience gained depends on your stats for the skill you kill the monster
> with.

 Even more complicated than that.

 the skill you use to kill the monster depends some.  Each skill category has
some stats associated with it.  The value of those stats will vary the exp gain
(high stats = more exp).  This is sort of like the bonus 10% exp in AD&D for
high exp.  This is likely to get removed.

 But beyond that, there is also a level comparison - If you are level 10 and
kill a level 5 monster, you only get half the exp (5/10).  If you are level 5
and kill a level 10, you get twice the exp (10/5).  It can be argued this
should also be removed (the exp gain is already exponential, so why also modify
from monster level).  I personally think it would be easier to tune the game if
you know this monsters always give 500 exp or whatever, and not some value that
varies based on different things.

 The current method also has some problems - a relatively low level character
(5-7) who can find some arrows/bolts of assinating trolls can quickly gain a
few levels by using those errors on a big troll.  big trolls are worth a bunch
of exp (8000), but also the fact they are level 12 means you get more because
of the level difference, and any fighter worth his salt is also going to have
high stats and get a further skill bonus from that.


-- Mark Wedel

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