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Re: CF: Crossfire playbalance

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Peter Mardahl wrote:
> How about stat depletion on death, rather than stat reduction on death?
> Depletion can be cured with a restoration spell.

Yep, that would do pretty much what I had in mind. I think there are
restoration potions too, right? For higher levels the availability would
be high, but then again, it's commonly agreed that the statloss isnt
painful for high level characters anyway due to the stat potion pricing.
> My original idea with the power crystals was to make them have personalities,
> and do "interesting" and not necessarily beneficial, things with the
> energy stored in them.  (Casting various spells.) Really good ones might
> use the mana to heal you when you need it, quicker than you can,
> while less "nice" ones would cast offensive spells, or maybe just slowly 
> run dry.

Yep, that would be nice :).
> I never got around to doing this, but it seems like it'd be fun.
> How about having powerful items slurp mana or hp occasionally
> in order to maintain their bonuses, or perform other random bizarre
> acts, like taking control of you and making you go smite stuff it
> particularly wants dead?

Mmm, this could be pretty much customized. It would be a bit too dangerous
to have them do that at random times tho, and probably too complicated to
get people to smite stuff. Well, it would be a possibility if the Great
Sword of DragonSlaying could simply cease protection and bonuses unless it
was actually used for slaying dragons every now and then and could
recharge by drinking their blood. Such customizing should probably be done
on an artifact by artifact basis tho, with only the more powerful
artifacts requireing difficult maintenance, and the lesser ones merely
needing some form of rod-like recharge period.

> But the immunity stuff might become moot, if we go to a partial-protection
> system:  i.e., not just 2x dam, 1x dam, 1/2x dam, 0x dam.

Well, s/immunity/good protection/g :) 

Best regards,

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