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Re: CF: Crossfire playbalance

On 11 Mar 1999, Preston F. Crow wrote:

> It sounds like we're pretty much in agreement that the following would make
> a good patch:
>  * Remove stat potions from shops
>  * Change stat loss on death to be depletion
> Are there any objections, or are we just waiting for the patch now?

Nope, not from me :) However, I think we should seriously consider the
suggestion about dividing ability scores from a fixed sum at generation
time according to player wishes at the same time since this will actually 
make it a lot harder to change the scores, and also consider the linearity
of bonuses. 
> As an aside, this would make it much tougher to create custom weapons with
> large stat bonuses, so it would probably make that much more balanced at
> the same time.

Well, it will definitely make it rather hard, since those potions arent
exactly common :). That is probably a good thing tho.


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