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Re: CF: Re: Crossfire playbalance

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Zachariah Baum wrote:

> I for one prefer the struggle at lower levels of play.  If there were 
>   server configuration options that could tweak these values, then different
>   servers could be for different styles of play.
> Comments?

This is an excellent idea.  I for one have always prefered permadeath but
have had it off for a bit due to the difficulty getting resurections.
I'll be adding the odd altar of resurection and turning permadeath back on
on my server.  So yeah, play options for the server are a good thing.

Anyone else plahing with permanent death or am I the only one even
considering it? :)  Last time I ran it the server was actually a little
less stable for some reason that is unclear to me.  I'm hoping to track
that down eventually.

--Robert Brockway B.Sc.  Email: 
			 Founder of HUMBUG (

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