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Re: CF:

On Mar 12,  1:59pm, Robert Brockway wrote:
> Subject: CF:
> I was just about to say , hey why don't we register when I
> did an nslookup on it and found it already existed:
> is available, so maybe this is the best option much as I
> hate the use of .com domains for non-commercial entitites :)

 Actually, that is not really available.  While they may not be using the www, is registered.  So to set up a, you would need
to arrange something with the current owner of it (crossfire technologies) is also taken. is also taken, as is

 If you start going beyond that, it probably starts getting obscure enough that
the name recognition doesn't buy anything except a permanent host name.

> Having a domain of our own helps to propogate the game as the web site is
> easy to remember and tell people about.

 As long as the website is intuitive. probably isn't going to
work the best for people outside of australia (they'll probably forget the
.au).  If they expand the top level domain names, then there might be a chance
for something like, which would probably work out much better.

> Cheers,
> 	-Robert
> --Robert Brockway B.Sc.  Email: 
>                                 , 
> 			 WWW:
> 			 Founder of HUMBUG (
> -
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>-- End of excerpt from Robert Brockway


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