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Re: CF: Questions
Marco Paglioni () wrote:
> There are two things that i don't understand.
The two are related :-)
> How to enchant weapons (the site explain that i need a Prepare Weapon spell,
> but i can't find in the list of spells)
> and what is "You ccan handle 6 weapons improvement"...
> where i can "improve"???
There are basically four kinds of "enchantments" that you can put
onto a weapon:
a) Attacktypes. These a granted by your god; if the weapon and your character
fullfills certain criteria your god will had "his" attacktype into the
weapon you are wielding while praying over an altar.
b) "plusses". The normal way to get these is praying on an altar (same
as (a), basically). The weapon can get up to +(your wisdom level)/5 ---
thatīs why everybody uses +21 weapons.
c) "slaying". Similar to (a), your god might turn the weapon into a
"foo of <godname>" and add a slaying property to help you fighting
enemies of the god. This only works if the weapon is not a "of somebody"
already, and has no slaying (actually, "of something" prevents
all god-given improvements, unless "something" is your god...).
d) "improvements". This is what the "you can handle..." refers to.
This number is based on your overall level, and I think itīs something
like 4+(overall level)/5 (IIRC the maximum number of improvements
is 26). A weapon with more improvements than your "handle count"
is useless for you since you cannot wield it.
In order to improve a weapon you need a "prepare weapon" scroll
(no spell!) and n*n diamonds (with n being the maximum number of
improvements you possibily want to put on the weapon). If your use
25 diamonds you can put up to 5 improvements onto the weapon. This
is the _maximum_ number; if you can handle 5 improvements you can still
use 100 diamonds (for up to ten improvements); you just have to be
careful to limit yourself to 5 improvements. There is no way to
increase the maximum later. IIRC you drop the diamonds, wield the
weapon and read the scroll (you might have to mark the weapon instead
of wielding it, donīt know for sure). If your character name is "Fool"
and the weapon is a dagger it will turn into "Foolīs dagger". No other
player will be able to use it.
Now you can add improvements. Each improvement except for one (guess
which one...) increases the weight of the weapon, so be careful.
Possible improvements (Iīm listing the names of the scrolls) are:
"improve weapon": adds a plus. Donīt use it; use praying.
"improve damage": increases the damage
"lower weapon weight": reduces the weight of the weapon
"improve strength/constitution/...": adds a stat plus
Adding a stat plus requires stat potions. The first improvement
(or stat improvement?) needs 2 potions, the next one needs 4, then
6, then 8 and so on (at least I think thatīs how it works... as you
can see it isnīt used very often, else I would remember it :-)).
IIRC the other improvements are "free".
Hope that helps,
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