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Re: CF: Re: praying for weapon improvements

On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 09:02:50PM +0000, Sean McInerney wrote:

> I was wondering if you have to do a specific action or just pray on your 
> god's alter to get +'s to a made weapon?  I tried praying like crazy but 
> nothing happens.  Is there a certain way to pray to achieve this?

First of all, the maximum plus your weapon can get this way is
"wisdom level/5". So you need to be wisdom-level 5 to get to +1,
wisdom-level 10 to get to +2 and so on.

Most random artifacts come with at least +3 already, some are +4 or +5
--- so youīll need some wisdom exp to improve these.

Also, your wisdom stat probably affects the chance of success as well
(but Iīm not sure about this). Maybe it even takes other figures
into consideration as well. So, if you "prayed like crazy" (you _did_
pray over an altar, didnīt you?) and didnīt succeed: consider it bad
luck, and try again later, when you have improved your character
even more. Unless they removed the feature in 0.95.x, of course :-)

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