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Re: CF: Direction, maps and balancing

David Sundqvist on  wrote...
| Agreed. It would need to be looked at closely. IMO, if we move towards a
| more balanced and slower game, rather than hack'n'slash, an average fight
| between a lowlevel character and a lowlevel monster should actually last
| for a while (5 seconds? 10 seconds? 30 seconds?) rather than the fraction 
| of a second we currently have. The mechanisms to achieve such a change
| would be complicated and should be well thought through tho. It would
| likely involve both moving speed, weapon speed, damage and hitpoints. And
| maps to a very large extent. So the question is, do we want to move
| towards such changes?
My view is to make any and ALL radical change NOW going into version 1.00.
Then migrate maps etc as people ballance them to the new set.
Many maps should however be able to migrate directly without change.

Many software packages go though this and they improve dramatically
due to it.  As such a development version should be created and worked
on. leaving the current Crossfire at its peak.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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