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CF: RE: Weapon Speed (part 2)

> [I don't think Tobias is on the list -- Kjetil T.]
> Hi 
> I wonder if there might be a bug in the speedfactor formula. The reason
> for this is as follow.. 
> Lower weapons speed = value drops nearer 0 
> When I wear a dex ring +2, I get lower weapons speed. 

Which client are you using?  The Win32 Client? (if so, what version?)
This should not be the case; Increase in DEX should increase weapon speed,
unless you switch to a heavier weapon.

> When I wield a Hammer + 2 (this was a special hammer, can't remember
> what it was exaxtly) instead of a shortsword +4 I get higher weapons
> speed.

From an earlier email with questions about weapon speed (They were using
the latest Win32 client) it appears there might be a client bug.
/-message from Anders Mediaas Wagle <> -/ 
/ I use the windows client, and it specifies speed and w.speed, so I am
/ positive it is the weapon speed (how many attacks) I am
/ referring to. At low levels that figure was very high, but now at lvl 28
/ barbarian with artifact sword, my weapon speed is lowered to about 0,27.
/ I have tried to wield the LIghtning Sticks combined with 30 in DEX, and
/ that lowers the weapon speed to about 0,20.
/-end message -/

> When I drop eq I get higher weapons speed. 

This sounds right, since your inventory adds to your encumbrance,
essentially making your character slower.

> When I raise in str from 28 to 30 I get lower weapons speed. 

This doesn't sound right, I can't recall off hand for sure though.  An
increase in STR affects your Wc. If it affects weapon speed, it should
increase as well.

> Something here does not add up. 


> Best regards
> Tobias

- Rick Tanner

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