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Re: CF: more updates soon, comments/votes requested

David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
> Wait till you see the change before you judge the rate.  When you're
> not using up food at a 1:1 rate with regeneration, one warning per
> food point is sufficient.  One warning every 25 points would go
> unnoticed, even with the non-black text.

 Maybe not really related, but I have a feeling the problem is more too much
verbosity in other areas.  If the number of monsters is reduced some, perhaps
this won't be as much an issue with important messages getting lost in the

 The other solution would be to subdivide the current output window into 2
windows, each half the size.  One would hold all the generic/fairly unimportant
messages (those that are black), while the other has the important messages.

 This could be useful in other regards, as if a another player tells you
something, you don't want that to get lost in the rest of the output, and
holding that in another window could be handy.

> > Or just change the scale, so the possible food points are +1000 to -200
> > or something.
> That's a possibility, but it would change the significance of food
> much less.  I'll hold off on uploading this change until we can
> further explore just how much we want to change the significance of
> food.

 I agree with David here.  negative and positive numbers should have the same
meaning.  Now it could perhaps be argued that we don't need a scale ranging from
-1000 to 1000 (since I believe all food right now comes in increments of 5, you
could just as easily go from -200 to +200).

 If anything, it could perhaps be suggested that something other than 0 is
normal state (not hungry, not full - like between meals).   I guess that is how
it really is now, but the problem is really that food consumption goes so
quickly and you have items like waybread which gives like 800 food, which means
going from very hungry to very full.

> > At how much food points does "you blindly grab a bite" happen? Maybe
> > this has to be fine-tuned, too.
> No change there.  If you reach zero food, you're too hungry to keep
> from eating whatever food is available.  If you're still hungry,
> messages start appearing to nag you and your regeneration starts
> slowing down.  I did change the food-grabbing part a little bit,
> though.  Instead of eating as much as necessary to get back above zero
> all in one instant, only one food item is eaten per tick.

 Since with this change 0 food is no longer death, I would say that this logic
should be removed.  This will likely be even more an issue when commands are
added to take at least some realistic amount of time - and include eating a full
meal into that.  If in the middle of combat, loosing 10 ticks as you blindly
grab a bite a food could be more deadly than any possible penalties from that

> > If no, Are the clients able to handle food <0?  Even if it worked for
> > you so far, the client code for storing/displaying food should be
> > checked.
> Now that you mention it, I didn't actually test that with the standard
> cfclient, only the gcfclient.  There was no problem there and the code
> is fairly similar, when not actually shared, so I don't anticipate any
> problems, but I'll check anyway.

 Of course, there is the problem that the scrollbar for food, hp, and other
stuff only assumes positive values, so negative values can not be properly
represented (this is also an issue with grace, which I believe can go
negative).  So once again, perhaps having 250 really represent severe food
shortage at that point, and reduce the food consumption (which sounds like it
has been done) and at the same time reduce the maximum food values for some of
the food stuffs out there may make some sense.
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