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YES smallpox is too powerful, so are most of them! Re: CF: Diseases (SmallPox)

How did you get the smallpox spell?  It should NOT be available to
any player under any circumstance right now.  It hasn't been
tuned, it is far too powerful!

My intention was to balance the diseases, and grant them to various
religions to give them *appropriately powerful* attack spells.

I haven't done this yet because I haven't figured out for myself which
religions are deficient and because no one has told me which ones
suck.  You're welcome to perform this task:  i'll help you understand
how to use the diseases if the doc isn't sufficient.

Small-pox at present is a wickedly powerful, kill-all spell:  it's
deadly, quick-acting, and highly contageous.  I used it to test 
how well those three parts of the disease code worked.

Cause flu and cause leprosy are the only spells fit to be used
right now:  one is contageous but merely debilitating, the other
is slowly deadly to a single monster.

Every other cause disease spell needs to have a place found for it:
(which religion is weak?) and be balanced: (how weak are they and how strong
should the spell be?).


> Has anyone noticed how powerful diseases are? Eg, smallpox.
> With small pox and restoration a player can completely obliterate everyone in
> a map
> Eg. You can cast one spell once, and get 10 million experience in the dragon 
>hanger on dragon
> island.
> Or: You can cast a disease once on each level of the Wizards Tower, and get a
>ll the way to the end,
> at a much lower level than should be possible.
> Perhaps the diseases need to be tweaked a bit, as in who they can infect etc,
> or perhaps more
> monsters need protection or immunity, but at the moment they are definitely t
>oo powerful IMHO.
> John the plague victim
> -
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