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Re: CF: Continuity check: Elements

> > By the way, what exactly are "para-elementals"?  Why do only
> > para-elementals leave residue and not normal elementals?  Why are
> > there para-elementals of the same types as the normal elementals?
> > And why are only the four basic elementals summonable, and not
> > para-elementals?
>  Para elementals is probably from AD&D.  If you think of the main elements 
>	Fire
>	 |
>Air -----+----- Earth
>	 |
>	Water
>  (elements being opposite), the para elements are where 2 join (fire + 
>fire+air, air+water, earth+water)
>  earth and water would be mud, air and water steam, fire+earth = lava, not 
>sure what fire+air is supposed to be.

My Boss, He's full of hot air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually though i think its PLASMA

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