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CF: running multi players on a stand alone server.

I'm running the game right now on my stand-alone RedHat
machine, and up until now I've only been running
one player at a time, since I dont have my PPP set up.
Has anyone ever attempted to run many players in one session,
like say, if you want to go to Pup Land, start one character and
get him to the start of the dungeon, and then start the other and
let him catch up to the first?  It seems like a good idea to
have many characters going at once, especially if one is a 
designated healer or something ( I used to do that in my MUD days)
but it seems like it may end up being more trouble than its worth,
since its pretty easy for the character in the un-focused window
to get killed, due to the real-time nature of the game.  
Any thoughts?

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