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Re: CF: Race, Reputation and other suggestions

> As for your suggestions, I like Orc.  Orcish immunity to substances
> poisonous to creatures associated more with the Lighter Side of the Force,
> so to speak, is well known and well accepted.  I'm not so sure about basing
> Troll off of Queztalcoatl, though.  Trolls aren't THAT stupid, so maybe the
> INT and WIS ratings should be closer to -7, rather than -10.  Also, a very
> common trait of trolls in various legends is a phenomonal recovery rate
> after being physically damaged.  I'm not sure how to reflect this in the
> existing system.  I'd suggest an added racial modifier to the proposed rest
> system, to allow races to recover at different rates.

born with hp regen +2, resistant to poison, cold, suceptable
to rock remover (i.e., if you can cast earth to dust fast
enough you can get rid of one).  remaining stats similar to

actually i've gotten quet'z rather high in magic & wis stats 
before.  once you latch onto a decent spell you can go quite
far with a pow of 25.

> If it is necessary to be instructed in order to learn how to handle a
> weapon, I don't think that instructors should be available exclusively to
> guilds.  Maybe the quality of instruction is better, or the price is cheaper
> because you're already paying guild dues, or the style taught is different,
> but non-guild instructors should be available.
> Joining a priest's guild doesn't make sense at all to me.  If you want to
> become a priest, you apply at a temple of the specific god, rather than
> joining a generic guild.  Praying should be available without having to join
> a guild or become a priest, without perhaps having the same effectiveness or
> access to all of a god's prayer responses if you're not a priest.

theory: guilds are easy to join and get more difficult to 
advance in as you go up.  if you walk into the fighters 
guild and provide a few gp then you can become a member
and learn to use, say, smaller weapons.  to use larger
(higher + or hp) weapons you have to advance in the guild
or find yourself unable to manage the weapon -- basically
picking up a 23hp, +7 weapon with no training you'll end up 
more likely to hurt yourself than kill anything else.  as
you go up in the guild so does you skill level with weapons
and ability to manage higher-hp, higher+ weapons.

assume everyone can wield a dagger well enough at creation.

ditto for magic or priestly spells.  you can walk into any
temple and worship a god, get the aura, etc.  if you want
to cast spells/prayers then you'd better get adequate training
before you blow yourself up.  nothing *stops* you from trying
to cast any spell above your training level.  just don't 
expect it to work very well.  replace magic skill level with 
guild level in the present system and you'd have something like
what i'm talking about.  

assume that everyone born with the basic abilities can cast
level 0-1 spells.  anyone else has to join the guild to find
out how to read the books (i.e., no join, no learn).

the mages and priestly guilds could essentially replace the 
magic shops selling books.  as you go up in the guild you get
access to some seletion of books.  the stores would still sell
potions, etc, and probably low-level spells but nothing powerful.

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
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