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Re: CF: Reality check: artifact containers

David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
>     It recently occurred to me that artifact containers, such as The Luggage
> and sacks of holding, present exactly the same problem as Glowing Crystals.
> Weight limits, like spell points, are an integral part of the game and are
> an important means of balancing a character's power.  (Weight limits also
> affect spellcasters more strongly and in more ways than fighters.)

 Certainly the need for large capacity containers should be reduced some with
the addition of the apartments.  Before then, there was no private place for
characters to store their excess loot (some created bank characters - give their
stuff to that character, and then save it off).

 That said, some container concepts are still reasonable for cleanliness (like
quivers - have those 10 types of arrows in one container.)

 Does putting one container in another actually work?  At one time, I thought if
you tried to do that, it would work - it would transfer the contents instead or
something like that.  But I may be wrong on that.

 Character weight limit was actually reduced at some point not too recent
(actually, characters were given a maximum carrying capacity - before they could
carry as much as they want, with just accordingly reductions in speed).

 That said, I don't see a problem with containers per se.  The issue may instead
be containers that reduce weight a great amount and the ability to nest

 The former is the map makers responsiblity.  The later could be changed in the
code for magical containers (you put that luggage into the luggage - a
dimensional rift occurs and both luggages are destroyed!)  Or simply, not allow
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