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Re: CF: ice cubes

Hwei Sheng TEOH wrote:

> One concern I have about this is how to implement the *graphics* for such
> containers. If we allow just about any form of liquid to be stored in a glass
> container, we'll have a *lot* of graphics to add to the game! (And also add a
> lot of complexity in the code deciding which graphic to use.) Not that it
> matters, but I'm just considering whether a small feature like this is worth
> so much effort/memory/etc.

 Assume the glass is colored/opaque (like wine bottles) - that then only needs
an empty image and a full image.

 The other option, which is slightly more complicated, is use the color
information of the liquid, and then choose the matching bottle color.  If you
follow a simple system (like bottle1_blue, bottle1_green, bottle1_orange, etc),
even that isn't that hard.

 At 24x24 (or 32x32) image size, I'm not going to worry about texture of the
liquid (bubbling, multiple color, etc).

 That said, I don't see a bit problem with adding bottles.  In reality, they are
probably special containers.  But how to deal with them is interesting.

 The most obvious, and easiest, is to treat them exactly like containers.  To
empty a bottle, you open it like a container, and then take out the contents. 
And likewise to fill it.  There should probably be a LIQUID flag or the like,
which means the player can't have it in their inventory, and it is allowed in
these special containers (and these containers can only hold one liquid at a

 The problem is actually applying it.  If you have to open the container, and
then apply the liquid inside the container to drink it, that makes things more
difficult, especially in combat.

 I suppose you could add a new command like 'drink'  which does both those

 That said, I don't see a problem with adding such containers.  I think having
specialized bottles might be overkill (ie, this can hold a magic power potion,
but will mess up your oil of speed).
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