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RE: CF: ice cubes

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, dragonm wrote:

 > In my ever-so-humble opinion, differentiating between a liquid and the 
container it's in is long overdue.  The added twists you mentioned that I 
snipped out would even make it interesting, as opposed to merely useful. The 
added complexity isn't that bad, and it's in keeping with the increased 
role-playing emphasis Mark (and I) desire for the game.

One concern I have about this is how to implement the *graphics* for suchc 
ontainers. If we allow just about any form of liquid to be stored in a glass 
container, we'll have a *lot* of graphics to add to the game! (And also add 
a lot of complexity in the code deciding which graphic to use.) Not that it 
matters, but I'm just considering whether a small feature like this is worth 
so much effort/memory/etc.

Alternatively, we can re-use the graphics we currently have for potions 
which have their own "look", and simply add another general graphic for a 
filled bottle of whatever else, plus a general graphic of an empty bottle.

Or we could have several different versions of "filled" potions with 
different colored contents (eg. a red potion, a green potion, a brown 
potion, a colorful potion, etc.). This will help to give some "character" to 
existing potions which don't have their own graphic (eg. shock immunity, 
magic immunity, the attack potions).

One interesting thing about having containers like this is that you can fill 
one up with poisonous crap you got from an alchemical accident, and throw it 
at some monster and watch them melt. :->

the one thing we might have consider is making another shop to sell only the 
bottles. with the way things appear in the general and potion stores it 
really wouldn't help alchemy much if there weren't a really good supply of 
them. we could also have the monsters drop them as treasure.

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