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Re: CF: "Creeping Immunity", Crystals, and rest/regen (was Re: Incompatibleobjects)

way to expensive for them to be practical. a high level character would have 
no problems coming up with the cash but he wouldn't have the money for much 
else a low level would never make any money if he were to spend it all on 

figuring 10 gp is 2 PP'S
one way to cut this down in price is to mace mana potions have easy to get 
ingredients so they could be made. this would make alchemy a must get skill 
and spell.

[David Andrew Michael Noelle]

 >   With too many crystals, a spellcaster can destroy whole maps full
 >   of enemies before resting, and without taking any appreciable
 >   damage.  Then, after completing the quest, he'll spend an hour or
 >   two twiddling his thumbs and clicking his crystals.

Look at Diablo: The wizard never regenerates mana (it only happens
when he goes up a level), he has to buy lots of "mana potions".  I
think this is a better solution.  Make different sizes:

    10 mana => 10 gp
    50 mana => 200 gp
   100 mana => 500 gp

or something like that.  (Note that the handy larger potions are much
more expensive.)  Finally something to spend money on?

Kjetil T.
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