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Re: World Map (was CF: the begining of crossfire)

 Since it was requested, I've uploaded the main continent map that I created a
while ago.  You can find it at: (smaller version which is more likely
you can see the entire thing and also downloads faster)

> You could just lay out `ship paths'. Eg: you get on a ship the ship then
> just travels up the coast on a set path without user control until
> destination is reached.  On the continent your could then sit by the
> sea side whatching the ships sail by.  And small island ferrys, or large
> river cossings can also be implimented.

 But that takes at one interesting aspect of the game - exploring.  The other
disadvantage is that can add up to a lot of paths (number_ports^2)

> No need then to `fix' the world away from the free form it currently is.
> And map makers still control where adventurers land on the new land.
> Pupland especially requires you to land at the proper place on the
> continent and not just on any coastline.

 But at least that 'fix' requires some thought on map makers.   I personally
think it would be more interesting if the world was a bit more cohesive - the
problem that starts to happen is you get all these little island continents/maps
because map makers like that extra control.

 In terms of preventing landing in the wrong area or whatever that ruins the
could easily be done by a few special archs.  For example, ships may require
deep water, so you surround the island with corral reefs or whatever (shallow
water) which ships can't wander in to.  That is certainly not an insurmountable
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