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Re: CF: Crossfire Installation

I install crossfire from the early days on (since version 0.5*) and I'm very
pleased with the current installation scheme.
I'm not willing (and for security reasons cannot allow) binary distributions
of crossfire. I will only compile and install it in the way my directory
structure allows.
I use the same configure command on NetBSD, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and SunOS
(well, crossfire is my reference program which I compile after installing
the machines)
I'm using
	./configure  --prefix=/opt/games --localstatedir=/var/opt --with-x

And I don't think that *nix Filesystem Hierachy is a mess. It's clearly
structured, if you only follow the guidelines of modern *nix-systems.
linux has a lot more problems structuring the systems, than the ones I
mentioned above. Especially, if you compare the different distributions out
(no flame war please)
autoconf does a good job.  The same I do by hand, when it's not available.

> <hauls out the soap box> The *nix Filesystem Hierarchy as it has
> developed over the last two decades is a god-aweful mess, and the
> difficulty of *nix software installation is a joke of cosmic
> proportions.  *nix has existed in something like its current form for
> 20 years or so, and installation of software under it has barely
> changed since the first day.  That's ridiculous.  (Praise be unto GNU
> autoconf, however.)  The FHS is an attempt to bring a little sanity
> into an insane OS, and as developers, I think it's encumbent upon us
> to do our part, however small. <kicks soap box back under desk> 
I think installing on m$ System is a lot more ridiculous. Installing
on my *nix-machines is like
	./configure --prefix
	make install
(thanks to Mark for that easy way)

Bis dann

"Sure, vi is user friendly.
 It's just particular about who it makes friends with." ;-) 
Klaus Elsbernd; System Administrator, BOFH        | 
Deutsches Forschungsz. für Künstliche Intelligenz | DFKI GmbH, Geb. 57/285
67657 Kaiserslautern; Germany                     | Tel: (+49) 0631/205-3486

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