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Re: CF: classes and races

>Doug wilder wrote:
> >   From past discussions, it seems that the idea to have the starting
> > races/classes be more distinct is desirable.  So that barbarian is a 
> > fighter, and you probably should play him as such.  If you want to try 
> > make him a spellcaster, sure, but he is going to be at a disadvantage.
> >
> > Doesn't he already have disadvantages due to the limits his class has 
> > stats?
>  Yes, the barbarian is one of the harder races (because I think it has a 
>negative on its int/pow than most races have adjustments for).
>  However, a few magical items that give you bonuses to those can offset 
>that a
>lot.  Sure, you won't ever be as good as a straight mage, but the point is 
>you could still play many aspects of a mage.

thats sort of what i was getting at sure with the right items you can make a 
barbarian cast spells. you can get any character class to cast spells just 
by wearing the amulet. But that doesn't mean he will be a mage or a wizard. 
If we want to make it tougher to make a character who will do everything my 
suggestion is to break skills apart dont make them so that they clump 
together under headings.

For example:
i have a thief who is level 9 at disarming traps. I learn a new skill and it 
falls under the same heading as disarm traps. now im level 9 in it too. what 
did i do to earn a level 9 in it (NOTHING).
spliting the skills apart makes the character have to earn those skills. 
Also by the way if he dies and loses experience points he can lose a lot 
more levels in skills that way.

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