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CF: Some bugs

Some bugs I have noticed, in random order:

1) The Balrog in /brittany/khazad.4 lives in a dark
dungeon, but cannot see in the dark.
(It is only a big wizard that is named "Balrog".)

2) By entering the area with the great oak in Lake Country,
the PC is stands on the fence. If he moves to the left, he 
is trapped. (In /Lake_Country/kundi_area:(17,25), hp should
be 5 instead of 4.)
(This map can also be removed; you cannot do anything there.)

3) For the oldcity quest in Scorn, there are now three items
needed: the Special Crown, the Special Cup and the Special 
Dagger. But there is no hint that you need the Special Dagger.
The Temple Scroll in /city/oldcity/oldcity11:(5,36), the 
skeleton in /city/oldcity/oldcity12:(5,10) and the Book of 
Rituals in /city/oldcity/oldcity15:(29,35) only mention the 
crown and the cup.
There should at least be one hint to the dagger.

4) On the signs in the center of Scorn:
	- The "Beginners" dungeon is two paces west, not north.
	- The dangerous bungalow isn't in Scorn.
	- One entrance to the old city is the well between the 
          guilds, not the well next to the weapon shop.

5) When clicking with the left mouse button on square where an 
invisible item lies (e.g. a no magic area), you get the message 
"You see nothing there." even if there is something visible under it.

6) Demon Lords sometimes die after a long time wthout being
attacked. Maybe because they are not immune to their own attacks
(lightnings)? (I saw this in an older version.)

7) When the character enters a new map, the buttons, magic mouths etc. on
his new position aren't triggered. Strange: When the character is 
teleported on a button on the same map, the button is only triggered if
the "slaying" field of the teleporter is not set.

8) 1000 experience points for killing a cat (archetype "neko chan")? 
Should be "exp 1".

9) Errors in the connections between the continent maps(/world/*):
- (Nearly) all connections are wrong, they teleport you two steps 
  in a direction you made one.
- In some exits, the variable sp is missing. This will teleport you 
  to the upper end of the next map. (e.g. world_c2:(20,5))
- Movers (for NPCs) and no-magic areas (against dimension doors) are missing.

10) Mention the command "make clean" in the INSTALL file after the command "make install".

11) The exit of the "Random House" in Caterham (Dtabb) leads to "/random"
    which is no map. Characters on this map are trapped.

12) Add no magic areas to /dtabb/caterham/circus/strength (and chess) to 
    prevent that someone uses dimension door to fetch the treasures.

13) If a character wears two identical rings, the command "dropall" will 
    result in the two rings dropped on the ground and a "phantom" ring in
    the inventory: You can see a ring there, but you can't do anything
    with it; this seems to be a client bug.

14) The things in the shop in the house of healing in Scorn are too
    expensive; they are much cheaper in other shops.
    The "heavy rod of restoration" would cost only about 20000 platinum
    coins (too cheap) if you could pick it up. Have a look at the map
    - Why is it: "no pick 1"?
    - There seems to be an overflow in "value 99999999".

Michael Keuchen

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