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Re: CF: oddity in the pup_land raffle #2

Seikoh Nishita wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 01 Sep 1999 20:43:54 -0700
> >>>>> (Mark Wedel)  said:
> >
> > Seikoh Nishita wrote:
> > >
> >
> > > o some pits and teleporters are used in order to move floors,
> > >   teleporters and switches (e.g. "jungle", "lever", "no spell field")
> >
> >  This will need to be rethought.  I don't know what the purpose of that is, so
> > can't really give a good workaround.
> I use teleporters to move "no spell field" at the "Tower of Ordeal" in
> Pupland. The entrance of it is on the 1st floor, and the center of the
> 1st floor enclosed by fences is the goal. But at first time, players
> cannot go into the area because of "no spell field". At the end of
> this quest, players come back to the 1st floor. After they pull a
> lever, no spell fields are moved by teleporters, and they can arrive
> at the goal by the spell, "dimension door".
> At the first time I made this map set, I made two alternative maps for
> 1st floor, one had "no spell fields", another didn't have them. They
> didn't have teleporters. But I think current maps (with teleporters)
> are simpler than they used to be.

    This reminds me of something I've been meaning to suggest: rather than
having anti-magic fields under all gates, walls, and doors, which results in
the odd phenomenon of doorways being unholy and magic-proof, why not just
make all gates magic-proof when closed but not when they're open?  Locked
doors could be made magic-proof so that they can't be teleported through,
but once they're unlocked (removed) they no longer interfere.
    Most maps wouldn't even need the anti-magic and unholy tiles if their
walls and doors had a magic-proof flag set.  Those archetypes are just flags
with an empty object wrapped around them, so why not just set the flag in
the object that requires it?

> I thought of some "stage effects". I wanted players to see some
> mysterious world in their vision(the world is made by some tough
> monsters.) When they kill the monsters, the mysterious world made by
> monsters will disapper and they'll find they are in a simple ordinary
> room.
> But, maybe this "stage effects" is not accepted in the crossfire world.

    I've been toying with the notion of illusions for a while, but there's
no way to manipulate illusions in crossfire yet.  If something is not what
it appears, it must have had its archetype edited.
    If illusions are implemented, it would make sense for them to have an
owner, and instantly vanish when the owner dies (or leaves the map). 
Creating a map with illusions belonging to a monster would then require both
an illusion object type and a means of specifying the owner in the map
file.  I think this kind of illusion would be a worthwhile improvement, but
I wouldn't recommend starting on it until the new object specifications are

> Actually, I'm not sure a new flag are needed for invisible stuff.
> When I made maps on the old version of CF, if I wanted players not to
> see invisible objects, I put them under the floor after I removed
> invisible flag from them. (If they had the flag, they made flash by
> the "show invisible" and players wondered if there is something
> special.) And they didn't have any problem.

    This reminds me of another question I've been meaning to ask.  Is there
a known bug involving auto-pickup failure and invisible objects? 
Occasionally, I'll come across some treasure that doesn't get grabbed by
auto-pickup mode, but can easily be picked up by command.  This is with
pickup mode 4, "all".  Recently I've noticed that this tends to happen with
treasures dropped by creatures, not things that were already there.  It also
happens in certain places where there's a lightbulb object.
    I'm guessing that the auto-pickup stops at the first invisible thing it
finds, which might be a lightbulb or some random invisible item dropped by a
dead monster.  Then anything under that wouldn't be picked up automatically,
but a single 'get' command would grab it.  I would suggest that this
behaviour might be considered multiple bugs.  Creatures shouldn't be
dropping those invisible objects in the first place, but if they do, they
shouldn't prevent auto-pickup from reaching under them.

            -Dave Noelle,                 
            -the Villa Straylight,
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