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Re: CF: RE: New graphics

dragonm wrote:

> Hmm.  I read the list archives back 2 months and saw no mention of it.  I'll
> rephrase my complaint, then.  Is there a location on the web page where
> significant projects of this nature are listed, together with who is working
> on them and the date they started and the date they last showed activity?
> And if not, shouldn't it be done?

 Ideally, the DEVELOPERS file in the main crossfire source directory gets
updated.  But I don't see any entry for him there.

 I haven't heard from David for quite a while.  I don't know if he has moved
onto to other projects, or is perhaps on an extended summer vacation. For
referance, David Sunqvist is the one who did the gtk client (think he got some
help from a couple others however).

 I believe that with the CVS, the agreement was sort of to let other people on
the mailing list know what you are doing.  But that obviously doesn't work for
very new members to the list that want to contribute.

 The other problem with that is that if there is an active discussions going on,
like right now, proposed changes can easily get lost.  For example, I believe
the topic of increased image size came up with a subject that was completely
unrelated to that fact (history of the world).  So someone looking for that
would have a hard time finding it.
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