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Re: CF: ideas for next experiments

> > Yow.  Major change there. Even if that was adopted as a long term > > 
>goal, I don't know how we could move in that direction without
> > changing the basic nature of the game.  Maybe a few non-resetting
> > rooms here and there in towns, but all of the dungeons are
> > designed on the principle of being reset frequently.  I suppose
> > artifacts could be made more unique by not placing them on their
> > maps if any player who is known to have one either in their
> > inventory or in their apartment(s) is currently in the game.
> > That's about as far as I can see it going without a complete
> > replacement of all the maps.


I can see maybe not resetting some of the more advanced dungeons, but the 
fact remains that for a low level character you really need for the maps in 
scorn to be left alone. Until a character can get out he is very limited 

My question is Whats the big deal about having the same artifacts out there 
to be picked up? Many games do this. they don't seem to have any problem 
coping with it. I don't see that it is an issue really, i mean how many 
SKULLCLEAVERS  can you use? Why would you want to use two rings of magic 
immunity? I can see a character selling it. I can see a character giving it 
to someone else, but why use it? The fact remains that limiting artifacts 
really doesn't affect anything in the long run. If i know of an area where i 
can pick up xyz artifact and i really want another one i can always get 
another character to go get it and one way or the other give it to the one i 
want to give it to. Games such as Everquest, Ultima Online, and Diablo have 
unique items and nothing prevents characters from holding more than one of 
an item.

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