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RE: Fanmail (was: RE: CF: ideas for next experiments)

You can always use the cd's for coasters :)

>From: dragonm <>
>To: "'crossfire mailing list '" <>
>Subject: RE: Fanmail (was: RE: CF: ideas for next experiments)
>Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:33:55 -0700
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Hicks
>To: crossfire mailing list
>Sent: 9/14/99 11:57 AM
>Subject: Fanmail (was: RE: CF: ideas for next experiments)
>--- dragonm <> wrote:
> > Our only goad is each other.  Even the fans are singularly silent.
>Oops!  My apologies!
>*loud screaming of thundering approval for those with enough energy
>  to continue working on this game!*
><GRiN>  That was most gratifying.  Feel free to repeat on a monthly basis.
>:)  Seriously though, knowing that somebody besides the two Mardahl's,
>David, Teoh, and me is actually interested in our work, and playing the
>results is a very good thing.  Any of you FTPd admins have statistics on 
>number of copies of 0.95.4 that were downloaded?
>Hope that goes some way towards redressing the balance of effort to
>reward.  That and all the free CDs you can get from Linux distributors
>like SuSe :)
><grumble>  I have so many of those dratted CDs.  I have 4 copies of SuSE 
>as of yesterday.  Ridiculous...  But yes, it does help the balance.  :)
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