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Rpg or Haxk and slash, was Re: CF: Opinion poll

 Re hack n slash and rpg:

 OK.  I think some mix is in order.

 A question for the hack n slashers however.

 Maps, like say the tower of demonology, or some of hte quests in navar city
(lighthouse or mage tower):  Do you consider those RPG, hack n slash, or in

 I would consider them say 80% hack n slash, and maybe 20% rpg - there are some
clues or other elements you need to do, but for the most part, you kill
everything before and after getting those clues - and there is a lot to kill.

 Also for you hacknslashers - how important is the mega rewards at the end of
the questions (as well as things like stat potions) for the hack and slash

 It seems to me that we can still keep maps that are largely hack and slash -
the larger imbalancing effort is the large amounts of treasure (or great items)
that are out there.

 That said, I do have a few thoughts:

 1) It is very likely that at least the same source base can serve for both hack
n slash players and for the RPG's.  IT is possible that the hack and slash
players won't use some of the RPG aspects, and the reverse is also true, but
probably 90% of the code would be common in either way.

 2) It will likely be the maps that are the biggest difference for the two
playing styles.  I certainly see a fairly large set of core maps that server
both interests (for example, the world itself and many of the towns serve as the
settings, but don't actually have quests.)  So even if some split occurs, it
seems to me a lot of it could just be settled by what mapset is set up (you may
have the hack n slash mapset, the pure RPG mapset, and stuff that works either
way part of the core).

 Different map sets probably are not a bad thing - for the most part, most
servers right now are fairly standard - you can pretty know that that dungeon
over there exists, even if this is your first time on that server.

 My understanding of most muds is that is not the case - the settings of the
muds vary quite a bit.  I think that is something that will eventually happen to
crossfire - not every server admin is going to want to have the same maps as
someone else - otherwise there is nothing special.  So even offering different
map sets may not be a bad thing.
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