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CF: Footprints (was: Long term experimental ideas)

> From: dragonm <>
> Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:44:36 -0700
> [...]
> Does a monster take multiple damage if it occupies multiple tiles and is hit
> by a multi-tile wide spell?  If not, this change is relatively painless;
> even if a monster retreats until all but its feet are overlapping a wall
> someplace, it will still take as much damage as it's supposed to.  All I've
> got to worry about is clipping properly.  If it does, something will have to
> be done to avoid throwing spell damage out of whack.

Yes, large monsters take damage for each part of their body that is
hit by your spell.  Using a bolt spell against hill giants is twice as
effective if you hit them lengthwise.  I think the solution would be
to allow the spell to overlap the wall, too.  After all, a fireball
doesn't generally travel along the ground.  Of course, this also
implies that you should be able to hit the same hill giant in the head
with that lightning bolt and it wouldn't just pass right through.
Unfortunately (for the giant) that means giants can't hide behind a
single square of wall, even though they're a single square wide.

Converting a top-down, 2-dimensional game where everyone is drawn
parallel to the floor into an angled 3-D game isn't going to be easy,
but nothing worthwhile ever is.

            -Dave Noelle,                 
            -the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email  ==

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