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Re: CF: Clerical "spell" scrolls

>  Correct.  Reading a scroll of the opposite god is likely to have bad 
>things happen (both from your god, for actually using that
>others gods magic, and for that other god - someone trying to use his power 
>for something he does not find desirable)
> > My preference would be for the second option.  Randomly generated
> > prayer scrolls, and those for which no religion has been
> > specified, could have a religion randomly assigned to them, based > > on 
>each god's attunement to that path, with denied meaning no  > chance, 
> > meaning half as likely, and attuned meaning twice as likely.  The
> > scroll would still be usable by anyone except worshippers of that
> > god's enemy.  For worshippers of the same god, the prayer might
> > evenbe more effective, adding some factor of the reader's wisdom
> > level to the scroll's level to determine the effect.  Worshippers
> > of the enemy
> > god might get a reversed effect or take damage from scrolls of
> > significantly higher level than themselves.
>  It just creates a lot more variety of scrolls, and harder for a priest to 
>find a scroll of his god.  Perhaps this could be reduced
>to some extent by each temple having at least a small shop
>containing the most popular scrolls of that god.
>  On the other hand, this could make some things more interesting -
>some gods should only have prayers that they grant.  So a player
>may see some scroll for some god and think 'wow - pretty interesting
>that that god gives that spell'.
>  Note that you have the same problem with rods and staves (who is granting 

Just as a side note on this.. you could make it so that the cleric or priest 
gets experience for destroying objects of another religion. How could this 
be done? By sacrificing them on one of your gods altars.

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