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CF: Bugs in client-0.95.4


There is a serious bug in crossfire-client-0.95.4 which leads to
termination of the client.

When displaying a demon's icor in pixmap mode (-pix option), gen_draw_face()
in x11.c calls XCopyPlane() with pixmaps[face].pixmap == 0.  I've no idea
how to fix that bug, but a

        if (pixmaps[face].bitmap == 0) {
            fprintf (stderr, "BUG BUG BUG: gen_draw_face(): bitmap == 0\n");

keeps the client running.

A different issue of minor importance is that parse_keybind_line() in
xutil.c uses XKeysymToKeycode() to convert keysyms to keycodes which
breaks the keybindings on both systems I'm using as both have different
keys with different keycodes but identical keysyms (e.g. keys with
keysym "Up").  The workaround was to remove this code.

The third problem is that compilation on a Solaris box is a bit
difficult with the following configuration.  The XPM library is in /opt
(include files in /opt/include and library files in /opt/lib), but
<X11/Xpm.h> uses other X11 header files.  X11 header files are, of
course, in /usr/openwin/include.  The configure test tries a program
that includes <X11/Xpm.h> with specified XPM includes directory.  But
it doesn't add the proper -I options for the X11 header files in that
test.  Therefore, the test fails with

  configure: error: XPM header file not found - you may need to use --with-xpm-inc=dir

which is a bit misleading because --with-xpm-inc=/opt/include was
specified correctly.  BTW, X11 header files are found in
/usr/openwin/include without problems.

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