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CF: Possible bug and one stupid (?) feature

I was just playing in norway ( I tried the old praying
on altar feature to uncurse and undamn couple of nice items (just
for collections). I had wis@30 and pow@30, wisdom level 51, and nothing
happened. Then this other character, at wis@20, pow@23 and considerably
lower level of wisdom did the uncurse/damn thing for my items in seconds.
Is this feature or bug? Doe's luck-6 affect this much (haven't looked
at the code, because, quite frankly, it's not very readable as a whole)?

The other thing is, is how did You come up with the notion that, one
needs both prot and immunity to acid in order not to corrode?
(quoting webster dictionary:
im-mu-ni-ty \im-'y:u-net-e^-\  pl -ties
:the quality or state of being immune; specif: a condition of being
     able to resist a particular disease esp. through preventing development
     of a pathogenic microorganism or by counteracting the effects
     of its products
Does many of You still recularly get vaccinated against diseases You
have developed a 'natural' immunity against by enduring through that 
disease? I for one don't do that, but that is effectively what immunity+
protection means, is it not?
BSc. Pertti Karppinen <>                   |'Bridge Players |
Systems Designer, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland    |      Do        | | Office  : +358 14 260 2088 |      It        |
HAM: OH6KTR QTH: KP22UF  | Cellular: +358 40 564 0786 | on the Table'  |
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