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Re: Crossfire bug

Kimmo Hoikka wrote:
> Hi!
> There was also another bug with gorokh. Sometimes when you try to summon cult
> monsters it crashes the server. I think it is because the gorokh's cult monsters
> are big demons and demonlords which require much room so the spell is trying to
> create a monster that can't fit to that room. A few times I have managed to summon
> a Big demon so that it is partly over a wall.

 Yeah - I just recreated this.  The summon cult monster function doesn't seem to
check the placement for multi square monsters work properly.

 My guess on the crashes is that a big monster was summoned near the map edge,
and some a piece of it was off the map - this then creates a situation where you
have problems.

 I am going to start re-writing that function now.  While it would not be hard
to put simple checks into the placement of big monsters, I think it should also
revert to smaller monsters if the big monster does not fit, and that requires a
little more work.  I may also change the logic for choosing the monster, since
the function right now has a 50/50 chance of stopping on each monster in the
race list that is less than the power range of the spell - to me, this then
makes it much more difficult for gods that have lots of pet monsters, since
getting the last one (and hence the toughest), is much more difficult than it is
for gods who have few pet monsters.

 summon pet probably has a similar limitation, but I don't know if any multi
space pet monsters exist, so it may not be something that is encountered.  At
some point, summon_cult and summon_pet functions should get merged, since I have
a feeling that there is lots of similar code.

 I'll send out further mail when I finish with the cult_monster code and checked
it into the cvs tree.

> Mark Wedel wrote:
> > Kimmo Hoikka wrote:
> > >
> > > I found out that as a follower of Gorokh I can't
> > > use avatars... the server crashes every time I cast a summon avatar
> > > prayer.. I tried it in many areas and it does that every time. the
> > > avatar appears but when it moves one step the server crashes
> >
> >  I've fixed the problem in the cvs tree - the gorokh.arc file has an invalid
> > animation (says Lucifer, should be devil).  I've checked in the specific .arc
> > file, but there is a lock on the lib/archetypes file so I can't check that one
> > in.
> >
> > >
> > > --
> > > 
> > >
> > > +358407380747