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CF: Re: Split engine vs rules?

dragonm wrote:
> This concept echos the design of the WorldForge Project.

 Thanks for the pointer - I hadn't heard of that before.  Others on the list may
be interested.

 <much snipped about fragmentation from original reply>

> While redesigning the codebase the way you recommend is probably a good idea
> in and of itself, just for neatness' sake, I think using the new design to
> encourage splinter rulesets might be a mistake.

 That might be true.

 One thing I did not make clear in my original message is that the current
ruleset/objects/maps of crossfire would be maintained, and still distributed as
perhaps the official system with crossfire.  I certainly don't want to go to
just having an engine - there is a lot of satisfaction is actually having a
playable game.  And there isn't any reason to throw out all that code.

 My main idea was really to make a much cleaner split between the engine and
game system than there currently is.  In the current setup, common really refers
to common between the editor and server (which is much less than it once was
with server also had X11 code).  The basic redesign I have in my mind is that
seperation is now between engine and rule set, and have a better documented set
of callbacks that the engine will call.

 For something like the editor, it may just have null functions for most the

 Before I go back to that, however, I need to do some work on the client code. 
I know there is some bugs with it relating to sound on sparc systems (byte
ordering, so any system with that different endianess probably has a problem).
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