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Re: CF: Licensing

Frank Tore Johansen wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, dragonm wrote:
> > The Crossfire code itself is distributed under the GPL, but there's a great
> > deal more than just the software involved in a game.  The artwork, sound
> > effects, rules, and documentation are all material that the GPL doesn't
> > really cover very well.
> I guess this isn't clear in the crossfire distribution.
> I know that some people have put crossfire images into their own icon
> collections that are distributed as public domain.  One wrote me for
> permission fairly early in crossfire's history (some australian, it wasn't
> you?), and I told him that the images were made by various people and that
> none of those had said anything about copyright when submitting them.
> As for now, if someone don't think their contribution to crossfire
> falls under crossfire's licence, or under the public domain, please
> state that.  Until they protest, we should assume they agreed.

 thats been my assumption.  I have presumed that the maps, archetypes/images, as
well as everything else falls under the GPL.

 If people have contributed stuff and that is not the case, that could be a real
mess (imagine someone saying 'I didn't know when I submitted my code that it
would fall under GPL - please remove it all now'.  There have been cases where I
have asked the contributor if they want their stuff put into the master
distribution - but that is mostly because they send out a ftp/http location of
the file, and the inquiry is more on the basis that some of those pointers are
for people to test it out, and the author does not think the contribution is
quite ready for the master distribution.

 It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to put a copy of the GPL into the map and
archetype distributions just to make that clearer.

 The only inquiries I have ever gotten are about the images, and I have stated
the few times it was inquired that they fall under the GPL.  The images are
probably the only thing right now that is really useful for other projects.

 Before spending much time on licensing issues of crossfire, I would like to
have some idea of what shortcomings the GPL has for crossfire.  As far as I am
concerned, it doesn't really have any that I can immediately see.
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