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Re: CF: Split engine vs rules?

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Commander Gros wrote:
> For the engine/game system split: it doesn't make much sense for me to bind
> the "applying rules" or the statistics on the game system; it would be much
> better if each object had his own rules binded with it. Each object could
> then be treated in a unique way by the game engine.

Well, just change the "type" variable into a bunch of function pointers
(linked list after parsing?).  Ditto with time-function (process_object()).
And maybe "wear location" should just be a simple string.

apply_func [function]...
time_func [function]...
wear_location [location]...

(Where ... means that more than one function can be specified, and []
means that none can be specified).

For example:
  name rod of lightning
  apply_func apply_rod
  time_func regenerate_rod animate_rod

  name leather tunic
  apply_func wear_item
  wear_location chest body arms

> Of course. But why not fixing the bugs currently known and "frozing" the
> game as the 1.0 version ? 

This has become a bit of a nightmare, eh?
As we already have the client/server protocol, I think this would be a
good idea too.


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