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Re: CF: BUG: Morks Tower (say: keyword input)

There is on point more point in keyword action. It is case sensitive.
It should not be. Because its not needed and its a point for xploits.

In pupland the problem is actuell. The password for many locations there
is siegfried. But there are a few places, where you must say "S"iegfried


> On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 08:44:29PM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
> >  Since monsters themselves can not trigger special actions (like gates
moving or
> > the like), this often instead is done by putting magic ears on the map
which are
> > triggered when the time is right.
> The attached patch modifies parse_message() to recognize '@connected'
> lines immediately after '@match' lines.  It also fixes several memory
> leaks and null pointer dereferences for incorrectly formatted messages
> (maybe you want to rewrite it completely as it's still very ugly).  But
> note that the patch is completely untested (I'm still working on the
> apply() rewrite, my local tree is in the middle of nowhere and can't be
> compiled any time soon) and incomplete.  A push_connected_objects()
> function is missing that is similar to push_button() but takes the
> 'connected' number as an argument, not an object pointer.  I won't have
> time to finish this patch, but somebody else may take it as a start.
> --
> Jan

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