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Re: CF: Possible problem with the mailing list?

Bob Tanner wrote:

> Are you sure you are on the main list?
> If not, by default ezmlm will reject posts from addresses not subscribed to
> the mailing list OR they will be sent to the listadmin for approval. If the
> listadmin just sits on it, the message will not be sent out and you will not
> get a reject.

 I would guess this is the problem.  While you may get mail, if the mail you set
to be your mail address is different than what you send mail as, the list will
reject it.  Even if the address crossfire has for you resolves to your sending
address - unless these are a close/exact match, they won't get processed.

 Kjetil is actually the main person who deals with this, but I am not sure of
his availability.
[you can put yourself on the announcement list only or unsubscribe altogether
by sending an email stating your wishes to ]