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Re: CF: Quest & Characters and Alchemy

>  Now we could certainly add a difficulty rating to the formulae file, >and 
>this more or less corresponds to the level in alchemy skill.  A >first 
>level character would not be able to make the potion of >strength.  You 
>could even base exp on the difficulty - say you get 10* >the difficulty or 
>something when you make something.  Making large >batches decreases the 
>chance, but increases the exp. Making something >very basic for you 
>increases the chances, and so on.  Reading a new >recipe grants exp.  Since 
>the only way your are likely to get alchemy >exp is using the skill, it 
>does force the use of the skill.

3 things that we might also think about:

1: the way its set up right now if im surounded by caldrons i only have to 
throw the spell once and it works in all of them.

2: PLAY BALANACE - if we do change this then a really good look should e 
made at the potions themselves and what level they would be assigned to.

3: Cursed items being made - personally i think if we were to change this we 
should make it so that they are rarely made. Its a giant flaw in the game 
that i can just dump an item in and throw the spell and somehing appears 
(its cursed) and i can sell it as long as i dont identify it and make GOOD 
money doing it. I dont suggest that the items not come out cursed, I think 
the 95% of the time only Slag comes out if you fail.
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