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RE: CF: Re: apply() cleanup

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Toennies
Sent: 5/20/00 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: CF: Re: apply() cleanup


>  Getting access to the CVS tree is not hard.  I have no problem with one
> person being a 'map czar' - in fact, that makes life easier on me as then
> I don't have to process any patches.  There has been nothing in the past >
to prevent this, other than someone stepping forward and volunteering for >
this position.
>  Generally speaking, I welcome most anyone willing to contribute on >

Then i will try to make the map czar, when all say ok.

-----Begin Reply-----
You've got my vote.  Go for it.

If all say ok i will ask the people i know.
On PVV and the big servers are some people which are interested. I
should be

I have also my own server at and i can use it as map test
server. Maps can
also test on other servers when the sysop will, because there should
one person/team working
on a map set at one time.

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