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CF: Re: Disease spells! What? "Ebola" shouldn't be enabled.

> Peter Mardahl wrote:
> heh. this is really fun when you think about all those chemical & biological
> weapons there exists in real-world in "safe" places and which are "not ment t
> be used" in any situation.... except in tests and in extreme situations or
> so.... ;)
> also remember all the terrifying movies where some disease like this gets fre

Those are all locked up behind iron doors with biohazard signs.  Similar
precautions weren't taken with these diseases because the harm 
done is so much smaller.

> > because they've got no way to gain exp.  They could use a
> > moderately powerful attack spell."
> > Then they would get a moderately powerful disease-causing spell....
> > I would modify one of Ebola, Anthrax,
> > That was the idea anyway.
> > PeterM
> I suggest we try to fix that exp thing and move them to much higher levels. i
> they are levels 40-70 it should make them
> better. then the high level experienced players would still have something to
> hunt for... then we also need similar spells for wizards also to make the lif
> cycle of a character much longer. Currently wen you get a priest of a wiz to
> level 20 you have no goals in game anymore.

That's one idea.
I also considered making a really powerful disease an alchemical recipe
or a unique quest item, and giving out moderratly powerful ones to


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